Men of an Age

Motorcycles, Gear, Life.

A collection of ideas, reviews, and experiences for men who have reached that age.

Most recent posts:

“It’s not a matter of IF…it’s a matter of WHEN” -Ollie

Sorry for the lack of posts…I’m wrapping up the riding season here in New England after one of my busiest years ever on the bike.  12 track days, over 5,000 mi on the ADV bike including a two-week trip to TN and back, and a lot of time in the shop. A good season by…

Temptations of Spring

Everyone is anxious to get back out on the road in the spring, especially those who live in colder climates like me. (not to mention pandemic restrictions) I’m not one to preach being careful. Being safe, taking precautions, plan for possible issues, sure, but I generally don’t advocate for all out “being careful” because I…

USA Motorcycling

Just a quick post to point you to a few articles I’ve written for USA Motorcycling ( Here you will find “reviews” and similar ideas as this blog, but with a little less of a personal approach. Please take a minute and check it out and leave me any feedback, either there or here. Thanks,Brian…

Why the Track is a great place to LEARN

Why is the track a great place to learn? It’s really simple actually. It’s a controlled environment. And controlled environments are more forgiving of mistakes. That’s what we seek if we are learning math, art, or golf. Pretty much anything difficult to master requires time in a dedicated and controlled environment. And motorcycle riding is…

Why I Crash.

I just returned from a beautiful couple of track days. I know a lot of my “virtual friends” were also out on the tracks around the country and around the world. Unfortunately some didn’t fare quite as well as I did. Sorry guys. It happens as we all know. Fortunately no reports of serious injury,…

Stop Working On Your Bike!

Let me just put this out there from the start. You’re probably not going to like it but you need to hear it. Adding expensive bling isn’t “Working on your Bike” it’s bolting on something worthless….just stop. I know, I know, what else can we do right now during the pandemic. Let me give you…


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Get your Men of an Age Gear here:

Products that Work!

These things are important. Protect your head and your motor, and remember traction is King! A first installment of products I endorse and you should try (Disclaimer: Amazon Affiliate links)

  • Shoei X-14 helmets – Most important “bit of kit” you can buy. Don’t skimp. I’ve always worn Shoei and will probably never stop. They fit my head and I trust the brand to protect it.
  • Motul 5100 T4 – Protects your engine like nothing else. Another item to avoid skimping on.
  • Dunlop Sportmax Q4 – Simply awesome grip. Unless you are a expert racer, skip the slicks, warmers, and generator, and spare set of wheels for wet weather and just run some Q4s. You’ll be just as fast, save some money and thank me later.
  • Continental TKC 80 Twinduro – There is a reason they’ve been around the world and around for decades. Good on every surface, easy to install, and readily available. I put them on the Dorsoduro 750 and can go anywhere a “true ADV” bike can go, limited of course by MY Ability.

People that know stuff!

Check out a few people I follow on YouTube:

  • Ken Hill – if you’re going to listen to a podcast about riding your motorcycle. This is the one!
  • MotoGeo – he has great adventures on a variety of bikes, like a quick trip to Vegas on a Dorsoduro to watch Supercross
  • 44Teeth – a couple of funny Brits that do funny stuff, and ride everything
  • Alberto Naska – “Racing is Life” for this Italian virtual racing star, reality TV winner, and very fast Novice racer.

A few links to my other blog “The Two Cheeks”, IG, and youtube channel with some track videos: